"Hey sugar lips. Looks like I got you behind the eight ball. Are you going to make a move?"
"You must be cruisin' with your lights on dim if you think you have me cornered."

"Put an egg on your paw and beat it big boy or I'll smack you down!"
"Baby, it gives me a large charge when you get mad."
Do you guys ever stop??!! 😛
Honey the Great Dane
Tee hee! I think you both have pretty serious game faces on there! I wouldn't cross either one of you!
Loki - No chance dude. Just take the beating and move on.
Oh Loki, I'd give in if I were you. Some things you will never win. (Are you sure Mrs Wild Dingo isn't a writer in her spare time? She writes some great lines for you guys.)
Put an egg on your paw and beat it?
Really? 🙂
Wooos! Woo tow must really love one another....
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Egg on your Paw??? I thought it was supposed to go on your face.
Egg? Food fight? Can we join in?
jack a-roo & moo too
Egg on your paw??? Explain please, Juno. I don't think I have tasted egg yet.
Woos, Ciara
More proof Khalifurnia does funny things to its residents!
Best bitey face pics I've seen in a while! Was there a victor?
Better close that mouth before something flies in. Nice toofers, though. Maybe you can be a tooth model for doggie dental care.
I think she means no Loki.
We hope Mr Wild Dingo is safely home and not stuck somewhere, caught up in that icelandic volcano mess...
Oh my, those are some ferocious faces. I'd be cowering in the closet!
You guys are so funny.
Oh how I love bitey face!!! 🙂