The fluff makes a nice pillow. And you never have to vacuum your house again. Because why bother?
The fluff makes a nice pillow. And you never have to vacuum your house again. Because why bother?
This month's masthead came from an outing we did just yesterday in Lausanne, at a Parc Vidy. We met up with another Anglophone who had been advertising dog walks in this area for a while now. This place rocks. Lausanne loves dogs and provides plenty of areas for them to be on or off leash in fenced […]
"Oh la la! Les loups," claims a woman. She was talking about us. Because it seems perfectly normal for two human beings to walk into a quiet lakeside town in Switzerland on a Sunday morning for a picnic brunch with wolves on the end of their leashes. If you aren't sporting a lap dog, a labrador or golden retriever, then […]
Here are two dating tips just in time for summer romances and for our friend Mango who's about to escort a lucky lady on a dream date. Do.
"Come a little closer, Big Boy" she innocently said to the skeptical Formosan, "I promise it won't hurt---much."
Wild Dingo predicts a bull market in the flip flop industry. Timing: 24-hours after Mr. Wild Dingo finds this latest flip flop mastication. Zappos stock headed for sharp gains. (Sorry Mr. Wild Dingo)
Remember how I wrote that Loki and Juno would call off horses and cows? Apparently some distractions are too hard to resist. Like this hunk of burnin' love above. Juno caught the scent on this distinguished fella and recalling was futile. He was equally smittin with Juno.
Meet Bernard, our kennel keeper. As I drove to Bernard's to drop off the dogs on Wednesday, I had a knot in my stomach. But it vanished as soon as I stepped out of the car to greet Bernard. Bernard's calm demeanor and soothing voice, "Ca va," immediately comforts me and I know my dogs are […]