I know what you're thinking. How can anyone be miserable in Paris? I assure you, it is possible.
I know what you're thinking. How can anyone be miserable in Paris? I assure you, it is possible.
It's only July and yet it's harvest time. Am I the only one fascinated with the neat round hay bales? I'm always shooting them. As soon as I get home, I download the memory card, excited and believing that I've finally found a way to make them look interesting on camera. Sadly, those hopes are […]
While snacking on Chiendent, sometimes Loki and Juno will make a new friend they finding hiding in it. Like this fella: Harry Hérisson. Juno found Harry and I quickly called her off. She and Loki politely obeyed and left little Harry alone. Les Hérisson (hedgehogs) are common in Switzerland. I don't know much about the hedgehog so I […]
So here I was, Thursday afternoon, Ascension Day, where everyone is off in Switzerland, riding my bike through Bière on my way to Rolle, when I noticed a large field of cows wearing unusually large bells and making a large racket. Naturally, I stopped. It looked a lot like The Fête Desalps, a celebration that happens […]
"Who is this Savadear I keep hearing about?" Two years ago, Mr Wild Dingo whispered that very question, which had been burning in his mind for too long, to a Francophone at work. Bemused, the Francophone laughed. "Not 'Savadear,' 'Ça veut dire,'" he replied. The expression literally translates as "it wants to say" but actually means "it means."
This is Switzerland's Supermoon. Seriously. We had no opportunity to see it. But we made do.
Can you believe I have to take a 40-minute plane ride just to get a decent pizza? At least the view never gets old.
I just spent 7 days with the man in Provence. And now he heads to China tonight. Business travel sucks.