writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Daily Distractions

Need a little distraction from reality? Here is an unpolished collection of the weird, the silly, and the sometimes serious at Wild Dingo. It's a blog about nothing, yet about everything.  You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll even learn something. But this is not a writing sample. It's just a place to kick back and crack open a cool Core's 16-ouncer and lose yourself in the kooky.

Trix are for Dogs

So far, Loki's best trick is his "bow." It was a little serendipitous how I taught it to him in the first place. Teaching that trick is actually not that easy. Dogs sometimes will go straight into a down rather than a bow.  I won't divulge my super secret methods in training the bow, but […]

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Rhymes with "Boo"

Woo! October is "Woo!" Month! How can I resist a Halloween theme for October's Masthead? Two dogs howling at the moon couldn't be more appropriate. "Rhymes with 'Boo'" is aimed at my Siberian Husky and Siberian Husky friends. Unfortunately, Juno doesn't actually "woo" and oddly, Loki "woo's" at Emergency vehicles as if he were a […]

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Wordless Wednesday, Raw!
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Weekend Re-Cap

Wild Dingo had a doggie-event filled weekend. Saturday started with our normal training classes in the A.M. And the husky continued to get brag-awards, doing all her obedience perfectly well. Recalls, downs, downs during recalls. You name it, she was chosen as a star student to demonstrate her good behavior. So I treated the two […]

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This title is going to pull la lot of  "questionable" search engine results to Wild Dingo. But I just calls 'em as I sees 'em.  "Who's your momma?"

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Wild Dingo Welcoming Committee

Mr. Wild Dingo came home from a five-day bidness trip. The staff at Wild Dingo were overjoyed. Even the husky greeted him with kisses and wags: a rare treat for Mr. Wild Dingo. "Pop. I'm so happy you're home. Mom made us go on a diet and that totally sucked." Negotiations begin between the leaders […]

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Wordless Wednesday: Guess Who's Comin' Home?
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Smooth Lines are Wasted on Smart Girls

"Hey Cupcake, in my book, you're way upstairs." For a moment she almost believes him. His face was as smooth as an angel's wing. "Ha," she replies, "Put that in writing and I'll paste it in my scrapebook."

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Ranger NitWit

"Oh boy, a new tug toy. Now THATS what I'm talkin' 'bout!"

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It's a Ruff Life

Now that Wild Dingo's readers have populated to the dozens, there've been a few requests to see NitWit trail, the trail that leads right outside our home to NitWit bridge, eventually to civilization and ends with a decision of where to explore for the day. The shots below were taken from a variety of walks […]

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