"I'll give you a walk to first base this time buddy. But you'll have to buy me dinner before you ever see the jodhpurs."
Need a little distraction from reality? Here is an unpolished collection of the weird, the silly, and the sometimes serious at Wild Dingo. It's a blog about nothing, yet about everything. You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll even learn something. But this is not a writing sample. It's just a place to kick back and crack open a cool Core's 16-ouncer and lose yourself in the kooky.
"I'll give you a walk to first base this time buddy. But you'll have to buy me dinner before you ever see the jodhpurs."
Wednesday was Search Training day at Wild Dingo! We invited a bunch of friends over to take turns hiding and braved the ticks while we hid ourselves for a single dog and handler to conduct a search. Overall, it was a really fun and successful training experience. Each dog got two or three searches (that's plenty when you realize […]
I was too sick to party on New Years this year, but apparently, somepup wasn't! What can I say? My dogs lead a much more glamorous life than I do. Sleeping Beauty catches up on her much needed rest after a four-day party weekend.
A day late and a dollar short on my masthead this month. I must be setting the stage for low expectations for the coming months! This month's header celebrates the blue moon we had on New Year's Eve 2009. Apparently, the next time we will see a blue moon on New Year's eve is 2028. […]
Somepup was clearly not happy with the sales at Lands End. "I'm a rescue dog. I rescue people from the over-commercialization of Christmas."
Last week this little guy came to visit with his dad who was working on our outdoor masonary project : "Hello! My name is True. And I will be your mason today. "
And we have a winner. And some runner-ups because there were so many that made me giggle. First the news. Drum Roll please ... Wild Dingo is relocating from Northern California to Luasanne, Switzerland. I know. Insane. I can't even freaking believe it myself. To answer the obvious: YES we can bring our dogs, with […]
On Tuesday, Juno went for her first physical therapy session for building up muscle in her back legs. Of all the horrors, it involved walking on a treadmill-- underwater! And unlike many dogs who do this the first time, Juno picked it up quickly and walked almost immediately, without cheating. Afterwards, she went for a […]