"I think I'd make a very good adjudicator for Ballroom dancers. Don't woo?" This is what I came home to a few days after our ballroom showcase. It's our showcase program. I think she liked it.
"I think I'd make a very good adjudicator for Ballroom dancers. Don't woo?" This is what I came home to a few days after our ballroom showcase. It's our showcase program. I think she liked it.
Benjamin Franklin was wrong. In addition to death and taxes, there's one other thing that's certain in life, and that's change. There's been a lot of change here at Casa Wild Dingo. Change of season means longer walkies for Juno, which makes her happy. She's a bit grumpy in the heat of summer so the […]
It was Juno's eleventh Gotchya Day with us so we celebrated the only way she wanted to--at the beach! This little girl may look like a husky but she embodies everything the opposite of one. For one, she loves the water and loves to play in the surf.
"I'm just a girl, sitting in front of her mommy, asking her to walkies me." Oi. It's been a whirlwind few weeks. Over Memorial Day weekend, Juno told Mr. Wild Dingo, nay, she demanded Mr. Wild Dingo to give her the once over that he normally does every day. He feels around for foxtails, bumps […]
Happy Anniversary to our best friend! Eleven years ago, on Memorial Day weekend, we made that big drive up to San Francisco to meet you. I'll never forget what went through my head as you barked your first words at us. While you scared the bejesus out of me with your bravado I saw deep […]
"Where is it? Where did the weekend go?" Ever find yourself lost? I know it's a random question. I mean, lost, in terms of where you fit in the world. This is a question that hounds both Loki and me.
Lately, I've had a bit of anxiety over the pups. They are both fine and quite healthy for seniors. They don't act much like seniors. They still demand their daily walks and adventures. I'm convinced daily exercise is what keeps them spry. The problem is me. I'm the one who aged much faster than they […]
Our mighty superhero scans the hillside for nefarious squirrels. There will be no evil-doers on her watch! Pack your acorns rodents and move on. As soon as her spa treatment is finished, so shall any interlopers be.
"Hi, Pop! I see woo has bacon-n-eggs! I like bacon-n-eggs too!" Don't worry readers. We recognize this thinly-veiled threat. Second breakfast was served to the husky acknowledging such a happy coincidence. After all, we value our shoes. "Had bacon-n-eggs. Must rest." Life is hard. So very hard, for the husky.